Before immersing yourselves on other posts. You should read the Intro first ! ;)

Thursday 30 January 2014

A Day With "The Twins".

You might be wondering why I call them "The Twins". No, they are not from the same families, and no they are not really twins. Just created the term a few hours ago. Miahaha.

Before digging it deep. Would like to tell you that I'm the IGNORANT type. Well, if you wiki it the definition would be :

" lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated"

Delete the "uneducated or unsophisticated" part and you'll make a conclusion where, to make it easy : I TEND TO NOT CARE. Well, yes, I do love them. A bunch really. But that is just who I am. I don't call or text them when I'm back in USM (But I'll reply whenever they call or text *smile*) HOWEVER, I DO stalk them once in a while. Why stalk when I'm that ignorant? Well, deep in my heart, I do love them. I do care. Huh, I don't know how to explain. Its just ME *or the egomaniac me* *winkwink* I stalk to make sure they're okay and I hope they're okay and I hope things are fine. They are in my do'a insya Allah. It is the strongest weapon of a Muslim right. :)

Back to the topic. They're twins because they complete each other. Well, we all complete each other but I love love love to see them talk. Lagi-lagi kalau salah sorang kena perli. Muahaha. :P We all do that. ALWAYS. *SENYUM KAMBING*

Met Athirah in KMPP (Roommate kesayangan weh). And Liyana back in secondary school, form 5 where I skipped a lot of school days. Haha. kesian Liyana. And now, after about 3 years Alhamdulillah ukhuwah masih utuh. Maybe we don't call or text daily but Alhamdulillah, when we meet, Its like theres no gap at all. <3

Today (29th JAN 2014),
We went to : Sri Petaling --> Mid Valley --> Bangsar --> Sent Athirah home --> KPJ Ampang Puteri.
Watched Jack Ryan. Made a statement before heading to movies "Aku kan ada boyfriend!!" , Muahahha! Itu kes mengada. Habislah kena perli sampai kahwin gamaknya. Let just us know the story okay. :D
Pergi dipndip @ Bangsar. Delicious! You should try. Chocolate lovers would LOVEEE IT! Mahal? Of course! Sampai nak tercekik aku tengok harga. But we tried it anyway. Lepas ni bila taon nak masuk pun aku tak tau. Muahahha :P

Top right : (from left : liyana, I, athirah)

The fun had to end, as always. Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. :') No worries! We'll have other dates to go to. Oh yeah! *can't wait* 

Ps : Haziq, my dearest brother is warded since evening. Do'a for him okay? He has been coughing all week and is on the nebulizer every 4 hours.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

#throwback : Work Day !

So, I've been looking into my hard disk. Niat di hati nak rearrange files. But of course, it'll take some time. Because I was "busy" doing something else. Miahaha. Ehem, hee :D
While arranging those files. I bump into these. It was suppose to be my posts on my last blog but I never did post it. Well, better late than never :) 
Enjoy reading.


Work Day!
Assalamualaikum, Hello Peeps.

Yeah , been a while right ?

So, currently its semester break for most IPTA in Malaysia which means we have 2 months++ of free time / holiday time. Nice isn’t it ?Hee. As for me, I also got my 2 ,no, not 2 months. I got my 2 weeks of holiday. 2 weeks at home sweet home was awesome, not enough, but awesome.

8th July 2013, I flew from Sepang to Pulau Pinang. For the sake of duty, I grab hold my strength. 9th July 2013, Convex’13 phase 1 started. Yeah, it took me 17 days to write this but oh well. Better late than never.  ^^ #Peace

Oh, almost forgot. I’m in ReGraph Department. Which is in Malay is Rekaan Grafik dan Pengurusan Hadiah (do translate it yourself okay darls). We basically handle all the multimedia part including the design and the souvenir part. Sounds easy? Not really. Well, the handling of the souvenir part is okay but the designing part is a bit not-so-easy at times. Well, nothing is easy in this world aite?And no, I do not know how to use Photoshop and I do not know how to design. Fullstop. =P

Anyways, maybe some of you might be asking by now : “What is ConvEx anyway?”. Here, this link will get you to it. If I’m going to explain it then this post would be 5-6 pages long. Haha.Sooo, do click, like, and search all the way through. Needed any specific you may ask me and I’ll be glad to answer. Feeling like making a post about Convex’13 later on ;)

Ps: 6 days to go ‘till USM students get their results. All the best to you ^.^

Ps: I kinda miss the old me.

Monday 27 January 2014

Buy MORE . Eh?

I had a dream when I was a kid

To work and have lots and lots of money
Then I can buy those beautiful clothings like those adorable long dresses

Grown up. A few years later,
Looking into my closet. I have more than I could possibly wear.
Ibu suruh recycle / buang. Tapi takmau. Hehe
Well no, not those long dresses I want.
Then thinking,
Even if bought those "adorable long dresses"
Nak pakai kat mana oi. Bukannya suka sgt dress up *kena tengok mood*

Erkk. Moral of the story?
Ladies and gents : Who buy a LOT of clothes but didn't wear.
Pergi derma kat orang. Dapat pahala 

You have enough in your closet.
Slow down the buying.
Untuk nasihat diri sendiri jua.

Ps: Random facebook post. 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Ukhuwah itu indah. Andai,

I had that feeling
Where you love someone so much
In the end
They have someone else
That they care more
More than they care about you.

That pain.
That hurt.
That feeling of betrayal.

Ukhuwah itu indah. Jujur. Aku pernah merasainya. Tapi kita perlu mencintai keranaNya.
Bertemu kerana Allah. Berpisah kerana Allah.
Bertemu tidak jemu.
Berpisah tidak gelisah.

Korang tak akan tahu manisnya ukhuwah itu.
Andai kita tidak sendiri belum tahu apa erti cinta kepadaNya.
Jom cari cintaNya jom :D
If not know, WHEN?

"Bertemu dalam ketaatann
Bersatu dalam perjuangan

Menegakkan syariat dalam kehidupan"
-Sebahagian Doa Rabitah-

Ps: Cik Q pun masih mencari.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Master of Procastination

One fine day, in a lecture hall.

Lecturer enters the class. Lets call her Dr. "Okay class, before I begin. This is your assignments for this semester. The deadline will be next 3 months."

Dr. continues the class.

And you would be, "lagi 3 bulan kot. Relaxlaa bro!" *goat face*


Matilah akuuuu. Assignment tak siap lagi ni. Esok nak kena hantar.
But, no worries.

In one day, you finished the assignment.
Then Dr. would be,"good jobbbb! You've done well on your assignment."

Yeah, you don't have to worry about that.
What you have to worry about is dear beloved Muslims of the world,
is this :

YES, you cannot stop DEATH.
You cannot ask for more TIME.
You know its coming and you still procastinate.
Oh why miss Q, haven't you done enough sins already.
*slap face*
Let's start together today and be a good Muslims <3

Ps: My friends +Sang Putra , +Nur Afiqah ,  +Irsalina Isa and I have exams today: An Introduction to Linguistics. Doa for us please? Hehe. Thank you candies.


Pernah tak
Kau buat salah,
Kau berdosa
Kau nak berubah?

Kau bagitahu kengkawan kau.
Mereka gelak, mereka kata "gilalah kau, demam eh?"

Kau tak nak dah bergelumang dengan dosa.
Kau nak dekat denganNya.
Kau damba ketenangan itu.

Itulah Hidayah.

Allah memberi kepada siapa yang dikehendakiNya.
Hidayah itu milikNya.

Tapi awas!
Sekelip mata ia datang
Sekelip mata jua ia boleh pergi.
Genggamlah erat-erat.
Kerana mungkin kau tak akan menemuinya lagi.

"Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided." (Al-Qasas; 28:56)

Ps : Hidayah itu, perlu dicari. Memang Allah yang punya. Memang Allah yang memberi. Namun sebagai hamba, kita perlu mencarinya bukan? Seperti rezeki, hidayah tidak datang bergolek. Bukankah Allah menyukai mereka yang berusaha? :)

Sunday 5 January 2014

Kahwin umur 21.

I was busy studying (study + facebook + youtube) :P . Then I saw one of Dena Bahrin's quotes. A friend post it on her wall.

I remembered that she had been wed, two years ago (if I'm not mistaken). And now I'm surprised, she's already a mother. Wow! Congrats Dena. *clap hands, excited face*

Dena, Husband, Son

Then it struck me.

"Ibu, akak nak kahwin. Dena tu masih study. Linguistic pulak tu. Susah ibu. Dah kahwin, ada anak pulak tu. Dia okay je" 
*sambil kelip mata, buat muka comel*

Nak je cakap macam tu dekat ibu. Takut nanti *pang* hoho. Exaggerate betul cik Q oi.

Pernah tak ?
Jealous of other people's life.
Like seriously, you want their lives.
Tapi kau lupaa. Apa yang Allah bagi kau selama ini.
Tak cukup?

Pernah kau menghargai?
Okay stop. Dah mula bebel

You have 
Nose to breathe
Eyes to see
Ears to hear
Legs to walk
Brain to think

"Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah kamu dustakan?" (Ar-Rahman 55;13)

So, think wisely, Be grateful. Kerana, sesetengah daripada kita,  Allah dah tarik nikmat itu. Al-fatihah kepada mereka yang telah pergi. Amin.

Agak-agak kalau ibu sayang baca blog ini kan, reaksi ibu apa eh? Heh :P

Ps : Ibu, akak dah 21 tahun. Agak-agak dah boleh kahwin tak ? Miehehe :3 *gatal*